Cornhole pravila

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Does this game have rules or do you just have to hit the hole?!

We guarantee that if you put each bag in the hole, you cannot lose!
In case you don’t succeed, we have a few rules that can help.

Each side has 4 bags. You can play 1 on 1 or in pairs of 2 if you have friends.
You take turns throwing the bags, but if you play in pairs, your pair stands exactly on the opposite side. One person throws, the other drinks beer and hopes that the 100th try will be successful.

Who goes first is defined by a coin toss, even-odd, or a head-to-head duel, depending on how seriously you take the cornhole or yourself.

Stand next to the board on the left or right side, and while throwing, your feet mustn’t cross the front of your board. Otherwise, you get 0 points.

The game is played until 21. How does it add up?
Take it easy, read on.

If the bag left on the board, it’s 1 point. It’s called Woody, like hot dogs, because it’s sloppy to get points on that forum. Hit the hole.

If you hit the hole, then you have 3 points. It’s called a Cornhole. Innovative, we know.

If the bag touched the floor in any way before it ended up on the board, it is a dirty bag and you get no points, only stains.

Those who scored more points in the previous throw throw first. If no one got points because both of them messed up, then those who threw first in the previous throw continue to throw first.

After you have all thrown out 4 bags, you write down points and take the bags back from the boards. Let’s say we have a blue and red team. The red team throws first and collects 5 points, and the blue team collects 3 points. So, at the end of the round, the red team gets 2 points because the blue team knocked out 3 points. 5 – 3 = 2 and so on until someone reaches 21. Serious math.

  • Zbrajanje bodova

How to count your score?

January 14th, 2023|0 Comments

How not to think about points and focus on the game?We all already know that beer goes hand in hand with Cornhole, and we also know that even after a few beers, we throw "better", but remember the score less well.We have several options that will make it easier for you not to calculate points on your fingers, but to use your hands for better purposes. Of course, for holding bags and beer.

  • Cornhole pravila

Cornhole rules

June 2nd, 2022|0 Comments

Does this game have rules or do you just have to hit the hole?! HOW MANY PLAYERS CAN PLAY AT THE SAME TIME? Each side has 4 bags. You can play....

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Cornhole history

May 29th, 2022|0 Comments

How did Cornhole get its name? First, we have to say that the exact chronology of the Cornhole name and game has remained a mystery till today. But if we analyze the word Cornhole, we get the words “Corn” and “hole”, which suggests that corn needs to be thrown into the hole.