Povijest Cornholea
Povijest Cornholea

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As people like to say, Cornhole is a mix of beer pong and bocce.

What we can tell you, whoever played bocce or bowled earlier, did not disappoint in the Cornhole either.

How did Cornhole get its name?

First we have to say that the exact chronology of the Cornhole name and game has remained a mystery till today. But if we analyze the word Cornhole, we get the words “Corn” and “hole”, which suggests that corn needs to be thrown into the hole.

Also, according to unofficial terminology, when a player throws a bag into the hole, it is called a Cornhole, which tells us that the corn has been thrown into the hole.

How did it all actually start?

Some say it was invented in Germany in the 14th century. Others say it started in the Blackhawk tribe of Illinois. Still others connected it to an 1800s Kentucky farmer.

But, regardless of its exact origins, Cornhole became a favorite fun in Cincinnati about 15 years ago. Fans had their own way of warming up before NFL games by playing Cornhole in the parking lot in front of the stadium with a barbecue and a cold beer. Visiting fans were delighted by the game, so they had the same tradition in their cities and the game soon spread to backyards, beaches, breweries and campgrounds across the United States.

Across North America there are several hundred regional leagues, Cornhole arenas, halls built just for playing Cornhole and selling Cornhole boards, bags and various promotional materials that have been created over time for players to create their own unique promotion.

In short, what is it really about?

It’s very simple. In a group of four or two, you need to stretch out your hand and alternately throw four bags eight meters into a hole on a slightly slanted board. If the bag hits the hole (Cornhole) it is worth 3 points, and if it stays on the board 1 point.

It’s genius how it’s simple and challenging at the same time.

Click here for more detailed rules and scoring.

Where is Cornhole today?

Although there are three organizations (ACA, ACO and ACL), perhaps the biggest breakthrough happened in 2015 when Stacey Moore took a big step and founded the ACL league, which is growing and expanding day by day, has a large number of professional players, and big well-known TV companies such as ESPN and CBS Sport have signed multi-year TV contracts, while new sponsors are lined up.

So the Cornhole can be big or small, with your best friend in your own backyard or with your coworkers at a conference or in the Cornhole arena live in front of TV cameras.

In the end, we can conclude that it may not be so important which legend is correct, but it is certain that Cornhole in Croatia and Europe has its own bright future and that Cornhole CRO wants to be a part of it.

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How to count your score?

January 14th, 2023|0 Comments

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Cornhole history

May 29th, 2022|0 Comments

How did Cornhole get its name? First, we have to say that the exact chronology of the Cornhole name and game has remained a mystery till today. But if we analyze the word Cornhole, we get the words “Corn” and “hole”, which suggests that corn needs to be thrown into the hole.

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Cornhole terms

November 26th, 2019|0 Comments

Whether you're playing for the first time or the bag is already your best friend, you must know Cornhole slang terms anyway. So, for homework, learn them!

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